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Subliminal Advertising:  Time to Move Forward


Thesis:  However, subliminal advertising is ineffective because these messages are not commonplace, display rudimentary commands, produce a placebo effect, mimic classical conditioning, and require a desire.


  1. Interesting history

    1. 1950s scandal

    2. Specific definitions

    3. Common questions

    4. Public Awareness

  2. Uncommon usage

    1. Bias opinions

    2. False assumptions

    3. No evidence

  3. Simple messages

    1. Control loss

    2. Customer decisions

    3. Not brainwashing

  4. Self-fulfilling prophecy

    1. Powerful messages

    2. Placebo effect

    3. Self-made acceptance

  5. Classical conditioning

    1. Incorrect assumptions

    2. Public myths

    3. Requires simplicity

  6. Intrinsic urge

    1. Influential responses

    2. Implicit Failures

    3. Internal motive

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